Interview with Inferno Production CEO

Journalist: Hello! First, well, everyone is interested in the question: What is «Inferno»? Why are you so called?

I. Arkhipov: Hello! This name was coined with my wife.

I gathered in one team the best specialists in my field.
People only from professionals, only those who have the same fire in their eyes, who have passion and the main goal is to create a beautiful, and not exclusively material interest.

“Inferno” is a flame of fire, which emphasizes the nature of our team, the desire to create everything with a spark, to do only the best and corresponding to the world level.

Journalist: Production Center of Ivan Arkhipov “Inferno” has recently appeared on the world market. How did you manage to take part in the creation of such a large number of projects?

I. Arkhipov: Legally, recently, but since 2004 I managed to take part in film production in many Russian and international projects.

Having plunged my head deeply into filmmaking, I have an idea of ​​how and who produces all the products that we watch on a blue screen, i.e. I know all the stages of filmmaking well.

It’s important for me to shoot only good movies, to make only beautiful commercials and interesting clips.
My team lives by these tasks, and successfully solving them, we gain invaluable experience and become an even stronger, more successful company.

They often ask me: “What do you want from your production?”
To which I reply: «I want to bring our domestic cinema to the world level, change the opinion of compatriots about Russian cinema.»
All our efforts are aimed at this and success awaits us!

Russian cinema will meet the level of world blockbusters.

Journalist: This is a strong statement. Are you sure you can handle it?

I. Arkhipov: If I had doubts, I would not say so.
I am confident in ourselves and in our team, we are only moving forward. We are not afraid to go beyond borders, the opening of new horizons is for us the goal to which we are passionately moving and nothing can stop us.

Journalist: We know that you are preparing a new project that should capture the world market. What can you say about this? How did you come up with the idea of ​​creating this project?

I. Arkhipov: Actually, I did not expect that this secret information, until recently, would become known to you … But since you are in the know, I can briefly tell you.
The project under the working title «Commander» (the author’s version is «Supercommand») is a kind, family action movie.
In order to bring it to the world level, negotiations are underway with Hollywood, Indian and Chinese actors, who must play together with our, Russian, eminent actors.
I want to keep the name of the director a secret.
For the filming, we chose one of the best, in my opinion, cameramen — this is Dmitry Trifonov (Summary)
I was lucky to work with him in many projects, I saw how Dmitry can think outside the box, make the only right decisions in seconds. He has great potential and a bright fire burns in his eyes …

Journalist: I remember, «Inferno.»

I. Arkhipov: Yes! Indeed it is! Trifonov is a professional in his field, he lives and breathes his work.
Dmitry knows how to shoot so that the picture is pleasing to the eye, and always finds mutual understanding both with the director and with the entire film crew as a whole.

I bet on him a lot. I know that he will not fail.

Journalist: But he is young enough, which means he has little experience.

I. Arkhipov: In this case, youth is his advantage. Despite his age, Dmitry is already quite experienced in his field. He is bold and not afraid to experiment, doing something new, non-standard, which the operators of the older generation are afraid to do, for example.
Once again, this is the most promising operator, I am completely confident in it.

Journalist: Can you share what this movie is about? He had not yet started acting, but had already made a lot of noise in narrow circles.

I. Arkhipov: I will not reveal all the cards so far. The information that can be highlighted, I will post a little later, on my website, in a separate column called «Upcoming Filming».

Journalist: How do you work towards international promotion? In order to reach the world level, ambitions alone, which you, I see, are not enough, are enough.

I. Arkhipov: At the moment, negotiations are underway with the large American company AMBI GROUP. They provide sales in the western market.
In the process — negotiations with the Indian company «Bolliwood», which will provide access to the Indian film market.

Negotiations are also underway with Chinese film companies in order to cover the Asian market.

These days, betting only on the Russian consumer is not worth it. However, our Russian market is extremely important for us, for which, first of all,
and a movie is made. But we have too developed film piracy, and there is a great mistrust of domestic products.
I am sure that someday we will bring our film market to the proper level. We work tirelessly in this direction.

Journalist: I sincerely wish you success! AND